What Will We Eat in the Future?

The world’s population continues to grow.  We have an estimated 7.4 billion people now, and could reach as high as 11.2 billion by the year 2100 ( https://ourworldindata.org/world-population-growth ).  Which leads to a number of questions, especially “What will we eat?”

Don’t worry, someone is working on that.  An article entitled “5 High-Tech Foods You’ll Be Eating by 2043 — and How Much They’ll Cost” by Kristen Bahler gives us a glimpse into our gastronomical future.  Bahler describes the progress(?) being made at Alpha Food Labs, a company that makes prototypes of what we may soon find in the supermarkets.  Here are some of the “concept foods” Alpha is developing.

Polyculture Polenta (likely price $6.99) — Farmers usually plant the same crops every year — a process that wears out the soil.  One solution is biodiverse agricultural techniques like “companion planting,” which would include certain vegetables for efficiency and pest control.  Alpha envisions a polenta product that uses beans, squash, and corn, all grown in the same patch.

Faux Fin Soup (likely price: $88.88) —  Shark fin soup is a controversial delicacy, but it’s a cruel and wasteful fishing practice.  With “cellular agriculture,”  a technique used to grow meat from animal cells, you can have your soup without endangering any sharks.

Potato CRISPRs (likely price:$2.75) — You may already know that CRISPR is a promising new gene-editing technology.  It can also be used to create mushrooms that don’t brown and drought-tolerant soybeans.  In this case, CRISPR could help produce potatoes with specific textures or tastes.

AnalyzeMe (likely price $36.79) — While not a food, this is a pill that will record your digestive-system bacteria and offer personalized nutritional recommendations.  (And you thought a Fitbit was useful.)

Block Bird’s (likely price: $10.99) — “The world’s most transparent chicken” owes its existence to blockchain technology — the same technique that tracks bitcoins.  This means a chicken’s complete life cycle could be tracked via electronic sensors.  The result would be higher standards, and food emergencies like salmonella outbreaks could be isolated “in seconds.”

Is this a glimpse into our food future?  The article is available at http://time.com/money/5347676/food-technology-future-blockchain-chicken/? .  The photo came from that site.



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