Announcing “With a Little Help From My Friend”

Awhile back, I had a great idea for a short story. I put my best work on paper, then sent it to the Bewildering Stories website.

They rejected it.

But after two rewrites, it was eventually accepted and published in Issue 864 ( The short story turned out so well, I just kept writing. Forty-two thousand words later, I have With a Little Help From My Friend: A Mystery Story from Solstice Publishing.

The book is now available from ( in three versions —

Paperback, 5″ x 8″, 234 pages, $16.99

Kindle download, $6.99

Kindle Unlimited, $0.00

You can also order directly from me (especially if you live close to Centerville, OH) through my website ( with Paypal.

And if you’re just curious, read the first chapter on Bewildering Stories at the link above.

Since this is a debut novel, all comments are appreciated.

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