Will a Marriage Last?

How do you know if a marriage will last?  This is definitely out of my area of expertise, but I’ve run across someone who has developed some signs to watch for.

Photographer taking picture of bride and groom as they leave church.

One neutral observer who spends a lot of time with the couple.  A wedding photographer.

A group of professional wedding photographers have compiled a list of eight warning signs that a marriage is in trouble from the beginning —

One partner is uninterested in the photographs.

There is more than a 20% rejection rate on the RSVPs.

The chemistry feels forced.

There is infighting among the bridal party.

There is disagreement about finances.

There are sarcastic comments during the photography.

The relationship seems based on physical attraction only.

The couple is mostly apart during the reception.

These would be interesting cues to watch for at weddings.  If I ever get invited to another wedding.

The complete article with all the rationale is “8 Signs a Marriage Won’t Last, According to Wedding Photographers” by Brittany Wong, and can be found at  https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/signs-a-marriage-wont-last-according-to-wedding-photographers_us_5a871dfee4b05c2bcaca8db9.  The photo is from that site.

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