One of my favorite leisure activities is to watch TED talks. For the uninitiated, TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. The talks are posted online by a media organization, TED Conferences LLC under the slogan “ideas worth spreading.”
Which ones are best is purely subjective, but Chris Anderson, the owner of TED Talks (through his Sapling Foundation, and the man who selects them, has published his “10 Best” list. They are —
1. “How we need to remake the internet,” by Jaron Lanier
2. “A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow,” by Kate Raworth
3. “Is the world better or worse? A look at the numbers,” by Steven Pinker
4. “What are the most important moral problems of our time?” by Will MacAskill
5. “What if we ended the injustice of bail?” by Robin Steinberg
6. “Why I have coffee with people who send me hate mail,” by Ozlem Cekic
7. “Why it’s worth listening to people you disagree with,” by Zachary R. Wood
8. “Where are all the aliens?” by Stephen Webb
9. “The story of ‘Oumuamua, the first visitor from another star system,” by Karen J. Meech
10. “How AI can save our humanity,” by Kai-Fu Lee
Heavy stuff! If any of these topics interest you, they can be found at “These Are the 10 Best TED Talks of the Year, According to the Guy Who Runs TED” by Jessica Stillman (, and was originally published on December 17, 2018.