When I was about ten years old, my grandfather showed me how to wiggle my ears. It took some time to figure out how to control that muscle (it actually goes from the eyebrows back), and they don’t wiggle very much, but they do move. This always seemed like a good life example — if you can figure out how to wiggle your ears, you can figure out almost anything — a lesson in persistence and creative thinking.
So I’ve turned this idea into a children’s book, The Boy Who Could Wiggle His Ears. It’s 24 pages, written in verse, and is at the preschool/first grade level. You can order it on this website for $8.99 (Ohio residents please add 7.5% sales tax); just click on the “Read More” box on the opening page or the title in the heading. It’s also available on Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/193876885X?pf_rd_p=c2945051-950f-485c-b4df-15aac5223b10&pf_rd_r=HDQTC5ZTP8RMXR5DPF9F) and BarnesandNoble.com (https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-boy-who-could-wiggle-his-ears-bob-welbaum/1129796502?ean=9781938768859 ).