A Doll Comes To Visit

You are a fifth-grade girl who comes home from school to find a doll on your front porch. The doll looks like you, is dressed like you, and there is something about the eyes. Who left it? Why is it here? And what makes this doll so special?

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With a Little Help From My Friend

Jim Jenkins is an ace detective who solves the most difficult crimes. Yet he always works alone. Or does he?

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The Boy Who Could Wiggle His Ears

Learning how to wiggle your ears is really hard. But you can do it if you keep trying. And if you learn to keep trying, no problem is too big. So if you can wiggle your ears, you can do anything!

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How To Photograph A Snowflake

According to my phone, it’s -6 outside and it feels like -27. (Or I suppose it would if I went out, but I’m not going out.) So I thought it would be a perfect time to talk about photographing snowflakes. In addition to being a professor of biomedical photographic communications at the Rochester Institute of

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Thinking Like A Honeybee

Consider the lowly honeybee. The typical worker bee lives about six weeks in summer and twenty weeks in winter. Most of this time is spent gathering nectar to make honey. But with a small body size and a short lifespan, each individual bee’s contribution is minuscule. According to beekeeper Marianne Gee in Ottawa, Canada, “a

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The Self-Driving Cruise?

You’ve heard of self-driving cars. What could come next? How about self-driving ships? In December, 2018, two vessels in the North Sea were sailing without crews. Don’t worry, they were under complete control, although from thousands of miles away. This is going to be a sea change in shipping (pardon the pun) in terms of

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Being Chased By The Police For Fun

If anyone is looking for an offbeat vacation idea, I’ve just read that the Police Chase Experience ( https://policechaselv.com/ ) has opened in Las Vegas. Billed as the only provider of police pursuit and intervention driving tactics for public in the United States, Police Chase Experience Las Vegas’s program is based on the Las Vegas

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Hiring the Autistic

In my career as a substitute teacher, I’ve worked with many special-needs students. So I’m always interested in positive stories about people with special needs. Like this one — In 2007, German businessman Dirk Müller-Remus learned one of his children had autism at the age of 14. As he adjusted to this knowledge, he visited

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How To Raise Resilient Kids

I’m no expert on child rearing. But being a substitute school teacher at all levels does give me an interest in the subject. So I’m always looking for good information about children’s behavior, and I’ve found something I think is worth passing on. Amy Morin, LCSW, a psychotherapist and the author of 13 Things Mentally Strong

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When We Have To Leave This Planet

Eventually, we’re going to have to leave this planet. Sometime, in the next billion or so years, our sun’s radiation output will make this planet uninhabitable (https://www.universetoday.com/25367/how-long-will-life-survive-on-earth/ ). What will we do? Fortunately, we have some time to consider our options. In the (comparative) short term, we could stay within our solar system. Perhaps we

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The Effect of Illusory Truth

I am too young (just barely) to remember the McCarthy Era in U.S. politics. If you’re blessed to be that young, McCarthyism, named after Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, was, as explained in the Encyclopedia Britannica, a “period of time in American history that saw Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy produce a series of investigations and

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Who Was The First Special Prosecutor?

I’ve lived through Watergate, the Reagan Administration, and the Clinton Administration, and have read about the Warren Harding Administration, so I am familiar with political scandals. So is a special prosecutor a 20th Century idea? Not even close. The first special prosecutor in U.S. politics, John B. Henderson, was appointed in 1875 by President Ulysses

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