This Is For Anyone Who Loses Stuff

I am constantly misplacing things around my house.  I attribute this to owning a lot of black objects, which I tend to lay on black furniture.  It also doesn’t help that the spot I remember placing them is about three iterations old.

Fortunately, I’m not the only one.  I’ve just heard about a clever writer named Kathryn Schulz who has written “When Things go Missing” for The New Yorker.  She describes losing things a couple of summers ago while visiting Portland, Oregon.  She lost keys (twice), a shirt, her wallet, a bike lock, and a friend’s truck.  Then she lost her father.

The accompanying quote is  “Over a lifetime, we will lose some two hundred thousand items apiece, plus money, relationships, elections, loved ones.”  In the end, we lose everything.

If you would like to sympathize, her essay can be accessed at .  (I just wish I could write like her.)

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