Original Poem — How Are You Rolling?

This is an original poem from my book Some Poems About Life (available on Amazon.com and this website).


How Are You Rolling?

There is a rhythm to everyday life
to which we all must move.
As we get by, the question becomes
are you in a rut or are you in a groove?

Life can be boring, slow and mundane,
the very same dullard routine.
First grade to high school,
to taxes and death, plus everything else in between.

Of such an existence is not what we dreamed.
It’s not what we planned for to live.
Yet here we are, just getting by
despite having so much to give.

And if you’re confused
about where to begin,
it’s all a sure sign
it’s a rut that you’re in.

But life should be fun,
a rewarding treasure,
to bring you great joy
or even adventure!

So do what you must
to get back on track.
Find what you need
if it’s something you lack.

Just smooth out the bumps
and your life will improve.
Attack all your troubles
and get in that groove!

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