Category Archives: Book Reviews

The Original Gremlins

Early in World War II, a Royal Air Force pilot wrote an explanation for some of the mechanical glitches that plagued airplanes — they were being caused by little creatures called Gremlins.  That pilot was Roald Dahl, later to be a famous children’s author.  His tale came to the attention of Walt Disney, and pre-production work

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Life’s Little Instruction Book

Don’t you wish life came with an instruction book? There is a book entitled The Complete Life’s Little Instruction Book by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. (Thomas Nelson, 2009).  It contains 1560 pithy sayings, from “#1 Compliment three people every day” to “#1560 Include your parents in your prayers.”  Its actually a compliation of three previous

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Richard Nixon on Leadership

Awhile back I found the book Leaders by Richard Nixon in a second-hand bookstore (Warner Books).  I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s turning into an interesting read.  I always wonder about celebrity books — did the celebrity really do the writing?  There are other names in the Author’s Note, but there are enough personal

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Team of Rivals

I recently finished reading Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin.  A fascinating book, it was really a political history of four men. I always wondered how Lincoln was able to win the presidential nomonation with so little experience in Washington. (He positioned himself as everyone’s second choice.)  Of

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