Predicting the Future

What can we expect in 2018?  It’s tough predicting the future, especially regarding new technology, but some can’t resist trying.  The latest I’ve seen is a Wall Street Journal article entitled “Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2018” by Joanna Stern and Christopher Mims  ( ).

Some of what they’re predicting shouldn’t come as a shock, like “Hackers will continue to pursue the institutions that hold our most sensitive information.”  Other tech impacts could sneak up on us, as in  “Artificial intelligence will touch so many of the gadgets and services we use, we won’t even realize that machines, not humans, are behind them.”

So for better or worse, the authors see eight noteworthy technology effects to expect this year.

Electric cars will get more affordable, even cheap.

Facebook will concentrate more on social interactions.

Amazon’s influence will become even greater as the company expands into more products and services.

Companies will find ways to take advantage of the rollback of net-neutrality regulations.

Cryptocurrency will become more mainstream.

Further smartphone progress will be driven by software.

Artificial intelligence will play a bigger role in our lives.

And finally, the really bad news — our security and privacy will continue to be under assault.

To read about the logic behind these predictions, pull up the article at the link above (the illustration came from the article).  Unfortunately, you may have to subscribe.  And remember what Little Orphan Annie said: “Tomorrow is just a day away.”


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