Category Archives: Fun Facts

What is a Successful Failure?

I don’t mean to brag, but I’m something of an expert on failure.  The fact that many of you have never heard of me until you read this supports my point.  But I’m not going for pity here, because I’m getting by pretty well.  It’s just that I’ve never been able to accomplish something really

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How to Stop a Hurricane

We seem so powerless as compared to Mother Nature.  Earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes always put us at the mercy of the elements.  And yet… Could there be a way to stop hurricanes from forming?  After all, these monster storms are basically huge heat engines.  They appear toward the end of summer, when the top layer

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Running While Female

Running is my recreational sport.  When I run, I never think about running alone, or at night, or in the country.  But then, I’m a man. I remember when I lived in California, almost every weekday I used to run after work on the Santa Ana River trail with some coworkers, including a young lady. 

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Happy Birthday Fannie Farmer

There is a lot we take for granted in our modern world.  Like cookbooks, for example. March 23 is kind of a milestone anniversary in home economics.  On that day in 1857,  Fannie Merritt Farmer was born in Boston.  According The Writers’ Almanac, Fannie is remembered for publishing the first cookbook in American history.  Up

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A Way to End Genetic Diseases?

Science gives us wonderful tools — everything from penicillin to a GPS system to life itself.  How we use these tools, however, is up to us. What has caught my eye recently was a report, originally in the Chicago Tribune, that Great Britain’s Newcastle University has been given permission to create babies using the DNA

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Impact of Daylight Savings Time

I hope everyone has adjusted to  our switch to Daylight Savings Time by now.  Do you notice any impact on your daily routine?  Apparently there are some negatives, because on March 8, 2017, the Time magazine Newsbrief listed seven negative impacts on health. According to Dr. Sandhya Kumar, assistant professor of neurology and medical director

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Why Are Pandas Distinctively Black and White?

Giant pandas have always captured our imagination.  Their distinctive coloration certainly gives a new meaning to the word cute.   But why are they colored that way? A new study, published February 28, 2017 in Behavioral Ecology, suggests two reasons — camouflage and communication. Tim Caro, a professor in the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology

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This Is For Anyone Who Loses Stuff

I am constantly misplacing things around my house.  I attribute this to owning a lot of black objects, which I tend to lay on black furniture.  It also doesn’t help that the spot I remember placing them is about three iterations old. Fortunately, I’m not the only one.  I’ve just heard about a clever writer

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Babies Who Can’t Touch The Ground

From the truth-is-stranger-than-fiction department — Talk about they way children are treated in different cultures, babies on the Indonesian island of Bali are subjected to an unusual custom — their feet should not touch the ground for their first 105 days of life.  This is because belief in reincarnation is widespread and a birth is

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